Family of injured student demands Shs1 billion from KCCA

Family of injured student demands Shs1 billion from KCCA

The family of Ms. Lowena Rachael Nankya, a Senior Six student of Lugazi Mixed School, who was hit by a rubber bullet on the mouth on Tuesday, is demanding about Shs1 billion compensation from the KCCA and police.

Ms. Nankya was shot by a trigger-happy police officer during a joint operation with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) law enforcement officers against street vendors near the Old Taxi Park.

The student and her mother were caught up in the chaos as vendors resisted eviction from the illegal market.

Her mother sustained a broken arm. 

Medical reports show that Ms. Nankya lost 7 teeth, sustained a split jaw and her nerves were damaged.

She was discharged from Mulago National Referral Hospital on Friday for fear of exposing her to infections. Medical workers advised her to receive treatment from the hospital while commuting from home.     

Source: DM

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