A Nakulabye landlord has become the latest victim of ‘self-immolation’ following similar cases in the recent months.
Andrew Mukiibi, 28, a resident of Nakulabye Zone 5 in Kampala City, set himself on fire and died over challenges suspected to be related to finances.
The incident happened on Thursday afternoon at about 2:30pm.
According to a police officer at the scene, who preferred anonymity since he is not allowed to speak to the press, the now deceased Mukiibi, picked a jerrycan full of petrol from his car at around lunch time and went with it in one of the toilets at his rentals.
The officer said the neighbours did not take keen interest in what he was going to do with the jerrycan until they heard him crying out loud.
When they rushed to his rescue, they found him engulfed in fire. By the time, they put out the fire, he had sustained severe burns and died on the spot. The police later picked the body and took it.