Daddy Andre, Nina Roz onto something

Daddy Andre, Nina Roz onto something

After a series of accusations by quite a number of chicks that he has had his way with them, producer and singer Daddy Andre seems to have decided to take some things in his life seriously. And guess with who… Nina Roz!

Although we have not confirmed yet, we were told that Nina Roz introduced Daddy Andre to her parents recently in a secret ceremony and that the “Munda Muli” artiste might also be preggars…ahem! (have yáll not seen the recent weight gain?)

Also, when one of our scribes recently tried to reach Nina Roz on phone at a certain hour past curfew, they were surprised to hear Daddy Andre’s voice on the other end of the call.

The two artistes have been hanging around together for a while and we thought it was just business as both are signed to Black Market Records.

We couldn’t get either of them on phone by the time of this story but we will certainly be following up to see how things are progressing.

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