Nina Roz, Daddy Andre legalize bonking sessions

Nina Roz, Daddy Andre legalize bonking sessions

A few weeks back, Nina Roz real names Nina Kankunda came out and refuted allegations that she was romantically involved with music producer-cum-singer Daddy Andre.

She said, “Daddy Andre is my friend and the fact that we are under the same management (Black Market) means we have to be working together hence being close friends.”

But the ‘Kyoyoyo’ artiste on Friday introduced Andrew Ojambo alias Daddy Andre at her parents’ home in Kireka.

The Kukyala ceremony was exclusive to a few people including the couple’s close friends and family members.

It is reported that Andre started dating Nina Roz a few months after dumping Angella Katatumba and that he was responsible for having her signed to Black Markets record label after he recommended her to the owners who had earlier on shown interest in Mina Izah instead.

Nina Roz Roz is said to be three months pregnant

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