‘Omuntu’ hitmaker Papa Muteesa tells it all; Gospel Musicians must get paid

‘Omuntu’ hitmaker Papa Muteesa tells it all; Gospel Musicians must get paid

Papa Muteesa(Real Names Fred Muteesa) is a new upcoming Music Artist, inclined to produce Gospel, Inspirational and Motivational Music. 
Papa Muteesa is a Computer Science Graduate from Kyambogo University.Has worked as VoIP solutions telecom Engineer/Consultant for over 10 years. Today, his hit song Omuntu is trending all over the world.
We managed to track him down and shared with us his story.
Briefly tell us who Papa Muteesa is?
Papa Muteesa(Real Names Fred Muteesa) is a new upcoming Music Artist, inclined to produce Gospel, Inspirational and Motivational Music. 
Papa Muteesa is a Computer Science Graduate from Kyambogo University. I have worked as a VoIP solutions telecom Engineer/Consultant for over 10 years.
Papa Muteesa is also a church minister and a youth Pastor in Live Christian Center Ministries located In Gayaza-Wakiso Uganda. He is a family man married and blessed with 3 children.
10 years as a Youth Pastor and now a musician, Don’t you think you sat on your talent for long?
Well, I believe everything happens at the right time. This is the right time and season for my music to be heard. Our Lord is never late.
What finally pushed you to start recording songs after all that long?
Honestly, God stirred up everything. I was motivated by my friends around me to venture into singing. Being a music artist was never part of my list of achievements. It all just happened one day, I had my music recording drafts in my smartphone for years until one time a friend heard one of the drafts and he became excited and pushed me to the studio. That is how it all kicked off.
Computer Engineering really sounds like a good profession, why don’t you concentrate there and leave Pastoral work and singing?
Well, I can say Computer work is a Profession, Pastralship is a calling/ministry, and Music is both a ministry and Passion. So in the end, my profession is only meant to help me achieve my passion. My Passion is meant to drive my ministry.
Today Gospel music is full of drama, Gospel singers accusing Pastors of not supporting them, why are you joining the controversial side?
Drama and Controversy have never hindered God from doing His will. I am compelled to believe that it’s for exactly those reasons that God is spinning up new talent everywhere. I believe I will be able to help build and grow the gospel industry. 
Maybe with my profession and experience, I could help advise other musicians. Let’s see how this turns out. But at the moment I am focusing on getting my music and message out there, to touch every heart.
What is your take on the ongoing debate that gospel musicians shouldn’t be paid for their music? They sing for God.
Well, I totally disagree. Every minister should receive the earthly benefits that come with serving God. God himself promises benefits for those who serve him. I don’t even need to quote scripture for this. Let’s look at the reality.
Producing Music requires Money. (Are there free Music Production and videography Studios? I have not heard of any). After getting the audio, you have to produce videos, and you have to facilitate the whole crew. And after the song gets out there, you are invited to perform in concerts, you need to transport yourself. In addition to that, you have to keep supporting your family. 
This is a very big topic that I have actually done extensive research about; I think most musicians and churches here in Uganda need guidance on this particular issue. This is one of the very reasons why the church is losing a lot of talent to the secular world; we need to handle it smartly.
How many songs/ albums are out now?
I have 14 songs out at the moment. That makes 2 Ep’s each with 7 songs. one EP is entitled ‘Redemption ‘and the second is entitled ‘Here I am. You can find them on Spotify, Apple Music, and all other streaming stores under the stage name, Papa Muteesa
Let’s talk about your latest omuntu, sounds so perfect, who wrote it, recorded and produced it?
I have written all 14 songs. I produced the Music in Audio one Studio, with Paddy Man and Emmy Wonders as the producers. 
What is the message behind ‘Omuntu’ song?
Omuntu, is basically talking about People’s Hearts, and Hypocrisy both to fellow Men and God Himself. The message is that Man’s Heart cannot be trusted. 
Omuntu is receiving a lot of air plays and great online reception, what is the magic?
Well all I can say, is that I have received a lot of Guidance from my friends who have had massive experience in this field of music. Kim-XP has guided me so much from the very beginning. 
For example, I have made sure I have a presence on all social media platforms so that I am easily reachable by anyone who wants to know more about my music that is how it all starts, getting organized.
How can someone buy or get your omuntu song from?
Omuntu will be out on YouTube very soon, but it’s on any streaming platform. The link below can help you check it out. 
How has the internet impacted your music career especially the Omuntu song?
Well, My Omuntu was already referenced by World a Raggae music team, which launches the best reggae songs in the world. They have posted me on most of their social media platforms. 
My Music is all licensed by music Distributors and organized on all streaming platforms. I have done all this remotely via the internet with my team.
Lastly, how do you balance family, church and music?  We have seen many broken families of pastors and gospel singers of late. What is your advice?
Well, I can simply say, if Family is work, both parties have to desire to make it work. I would never start music if my family is not behind me. The reason is, that will be a failed project. 
MY Wife has been there from the very beginning. She has listened to most songs before anyone else. If she says that song will not do, we drop it. 
I will take this opportunity to thank her for standing by my side.
On social media, he is Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papamuteesa Twitter: https://twitter.com/PapaMuteesa Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/papamuteesa

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