NWSC ordered not to disconnect the water

NWSC ordered not to disconnect the water

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation has been directed to provide water for all connected clients without disconnections no matter the account status.

This directive is carried in a circular from the permanent secretary for the ministry of environment and water, Alfred Okot Okidi.

The circular dated March 31, 2020, to all umbrella organisations orders for the immediate suspension of all disconnections during the lockdown announced by President Museveni.

“This is to inform you to suspend all disconnections of water for the duration the measures will be in force,” the circular notes.

“Where there are isolation centres within your areas of operation, you are requested to provide water to the residents of the isolation centre only and not the entire institution without billing them,” the circular adds.

Museveni in his speech said it was wrong to have water disconnected on account of non-payment, especially at such a time when we are fighting coronavirus.

“We are going to discuss with Banks, electricity companies and water companies in connection with the loans and bills, many people have with these units. It is not correct to disconnect water or electricity on account of non-payment during this time of shutdown or to seize properties on account of the non-payment of loans.”

Source: NP

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