You get 7 years in jail for forging movement stickers

You get 7 years in jail for forging movement stickers

Offenders arrested risk being sent to serve seven years in jail after government launches crackdown on those forging movement stickers.

The State Minister for ICT and National Guidance, Peter Ogwang said government has launched an operation on those forging movement stickers.

“In order to crack down on motorists with fake stickers, the Ministry of ICT and National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) have developed a portal to help the Ministry of Works and Transport and Police to verify stickers,”Ogwang said in a tweet.

The minister said that offenders will face several charges for forging the movement stickers.

“If found, you will be charged with forgery and attempting to spread a contagious disease.”

The law

Section 171 of the Penal Code Act talks about a person who involves themselves in a negligent act likely to spread an infectious disease and says he commits a crime.

“Any person who unlawfully or negligently does any act which is and which he or she knows or has reason to believe to be likely to spread the infection of any disease dangerous to life commits and offence and is liable to imprisonment for seven years,” the Penal Code Act says.


Following the announcement of the ban on all private and public transport means, government announced that a few members of the public dealing in essential services to the country would be given special movement stickers to put on their vehicles.

President Museveni said security officers, medical personnel, journalists, those working in financial institutions and ambulances would be issued with movement stickers by the Ministry of Works and Transport.

The Minister for Works, Gen.Edward Katumba Wamala recently said the movement stickers operate only in Kampala and Wakiso and whoever is found with them outside the two districts is liable for arrest by security.

The stickers also don’t allow movement during curfew time.

However, following the announcement, a number of people have since printed their own stickers and put them on vehicles to ease their movement.

Source : NP

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