Locust swarm invades eastern Uganda

Locust swarm invades eastern Uganda

A new swarm of locusts has invaded parts of the north-eastern and eastern regions of Uganda, putting at risk June’s harvests.

Largely made up young locusts, it arrived four days ago in a district bordering western Kenya and has since gone inland to other areas.

The country’s commissioner in charge of crop protection, Byantwale Tibejuka, estimates the swarm to be about five sq km (two sq miles) wide.

Local authorities say the pests are already causing damage to farmlands.

Efforts to control the invasion have been slowed by current restrictions in movement to stop the spread of coronavirus and a $4.2m (£3.4m) shortfall in funding.

The country experienced an invasion in February of smaller groups of mature locusts.

More locusts are expected in the following months as new swarms continue to form in neighbouring Kenya, southern Ethiopia and Somalia.

Source: BBC

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