Makerere University announces opening date for final year students

Makerere University announces opening date for final year students

Makerere University has announced that it will open gates for finalists on 20th June 2020 and close on 7th August 2020, and that this will include teaching and end of semester examinations.

According to a statement from the office of the Vice Chancellor addressed to Principals of colleges, Deans of schools and all heads of department, the Makerere University COVID19 Task force came up with guidelines following the President’s move to ease the lock down and allow students in final years to return to school.

The guidelines indicate that relevant authorities shall get data for the final year students and contact them. They must know how much has/had been covered in terms of teaching and remaining time as well as list the public health control measures required and planning for acquisition.

The deans of schools are also directed to provide; lists of final year students with their telephone numbers, the schools which have been teaching online; how much time was remaining to complete the course unit content and the number of students per unit.

They shall also provide information on schools which did not teach online, how much time is remaining to complete the course unit content. All this must be done by Mid-day, Friday 29th May 2020 and should be sent to the office of the Vice Chancellor.

In his last address, President Yoweri Museveni directed the Ministry of health to come up with guidelines to help schools open for candidate classes and final year for universities and other institutions for higher learning.

This is however supposed to come into effect after the exercise of distributing free face masks by government. Also, students whose homes are in the 80 districts at the Ugandan borders, will not be resuming school until such a time when the threat of COVID19 has been neutralized.

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