Controversial city man eater Stella Nandawula, 29, left many people shocked when she went back on her word and claimed that she was never raped or tortured by socialite Bryan White.
While appearing on interview with Kasuku Live, Stella said Bryan White is a good man who cares for everyone and is incapable of hurting her.
‘Bryan White is a good man. He never forced himself on us. All the rape allegations against him are fake. And actually, most of the photos that leaked where I had a swollen face were as a result of fighting with other girls. We went for a picnic and I had too much alcohol and I was beaten by other girls,’ Stella claimed in an interview.
It should be noted two week ago, Stella Nandawula accused Bryan White of sexual harassment.
In a TV interview with NBS’ Uncut show, she claimed that she was a Rwandan with roots in Uganda. She had come to seek greener pastures in the country when she was sold to Bryan White by a pimp.
“Edison sold me to Bryan White, who is my boss. I have been battered and bruised; I have carried out abortions a couple of times. He continues to threaten my life, whoever hears this please help me. Someone needs to help me,” she said in a video where she further claimed she was contemplating on committing suicide due to lack of any form of help.
Many are still wondering what caused her to change her prior statements. Was she paid or threatened? This might force other rape victims to suffer in silence since they might get scared of being judged.
We shall keep you updated.
Source: Howwe