Kampala lawyer Male Mabirizi has petitioned  EC to availed academic documents for Kyadondo East MP

Kampala lawyer Male Mabirizi has petitioned EC to availed academic documents for Kyadondo East MP

Kampala lawyer Male Mabirizi has petitioned the Electoral Commission seeking to be availed with the academic documents for Kyadondo East MP and National Unity Platform leader, Robert Kyagulanyi also known as Bobi Wine.

The Electoral Commission on Tuesday announced that Kyagulanyi was among the candidate

s who collected nomination forms.

However, in an August,10 petition, Mabirizi has written to the secretary to the Electoral Commission requesting for certified copies of Kyagulanyi’s nomination academic papers for the Kyadondo East by-election.

“I address you in my capacity as a civically active Uganda well aware of your constitutional duty as elaborated under Article 61(1)(d) of the Constitution to organize, conduct and supervise elections and referenda in Uganda and you indeed held a bye-election in Kyadondo East bye-election where Robert Kyagulanyi participated as a candidate and declared winner and now a sitting Member of Parliament,”Mabirizi says.

The lawyer avers that section 4(3)( C) of the Parliamentary Elections Act ,2005 provides that a person is qualified to be an MP if that person has completed a minimum formal education of Advanced level standard or its equivalent, qualifications he says Kyagulanyi does not have.

Mairizi says that before nominating any candidate, they must have availed the Electoral Commission with their academic documents to prove their completed the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or its equivalent, documents he says should be availed to him.

“The required documents are required to satisfy my doubts that the said Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu possesses the said qualifications given that as per his details, available at the parliamentary website, he was born in 1982 and sat A- level in 1998. The peculiarity about this is that if the birth year is true, he sat A-level at 16 years, O-level at 13 years PLE at nine years and joined primary one at two years,” Mabirizi argues in his petition.

The lawyer says the doubt he has can only be satisfied by looking at the academic documents tendered to the Electoral Commission in 2017 at nomination prior to the Kyadondo East by-election.

Robert Kyagulanyi has in the past been accused of illegally changing the National Unity, Reconciliation and Development Party(NURP) into the National Unity Platform and later assuming its leadership.

The latest move by lawyer Mabirizi risks to be seen and categorised by many, especially Kyagulanyi’s fanatics as meant to curtail his fast rising political career, especially his 2021 presidential bid.

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