Aeroplane to spray locusts has landed in Uganda

Aeroplane to spray locusts has landed in Uganda

Uganda response team against desert locusts has finally received an aircraft from Desert Locust Control Organisation of East Africa (DLCO-EA), to help in the fight as more swarms invade the country.

The revelation was made Friday evening by Uganda representative for DLCO-EA, Mr. Evarist Magara. The aircraft from Nairobi landed at Moroto District airfield.

He said the aircraft was going to be used in surveillance and aerial spray operations.

“The spray aircraft is ready for necessary aerial survey and spray operations,” Mr. Magara said.

He said the organization has been central in helping Uganda respond to other invasive pests such as fall armyworm that attacked last year.

“DLCO-EA supports Ugandan government in control of migratory pests such as armyworm, tsetse fly and quelea birds that eat food grains in the garden among others

Source: DM

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